How To Get Sqli Dorks+dorks Just Released

How To Get Sqli Dorks+dorks Just Released

Hello , i am Going To Show You How To Get Sqli Dorks And Iwill Share With You Somme Dorks Ihave Just Released, So Lets Start:

 01- must understand the meaning of a search through google dorks

Intext: words - words that we addressed, this can include all the things we
know, for example.
Site: Address country we're going, in terms of developing dork most settings
in use is the UK countries, namely, Site: "UK"
You can change the domain Uk all countries according liver and needs.
.php? xx =: End of an inurl or website address that we are headed.
1. Example inurl: "detail"
You can replace with other words such as:
2. Example intext: "paypal" [a word that is often used to perform carding
You can replace with other words such as:
1.Master Card
intext not always glued to a credit card such as pp / cc, Keep in mind
for dork, you do not have to use all of them in a search on google
Like inurl: "content" .php? Id = "intext:" paypal "Site:" UK "
[Usually when we add the Site, but there will not be any intext
website available]
So you can eliminate the one between intext or site.
3. Sample Site: "il"
You can replace with other words such as:
1. UK
2. US
3. SG
4. MY
5. KR
6. FR
4. Sample .php? Id = "
You can replace with other words such as:
1. .php? Cat = "
2. .php? CarID = "
3. .php? Category = "
4. .php? Id = "
bonus example dork that I wear just in kembangin ya ..
inurl: activity.php? id = title: customer
intitle: "guitar" .php? id = title: login
intext: "buy" clothing ".php? id = title: login
intext: $ 100 detail.php? cat_id = title: login
intitle: "bussines" detail ".php? id =


Hello guys, I'm Tien Tran, a freelance web designer and Wordpress nerd. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae.

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