New Nike Method

Here, you can learn how to card the official store. Don't forget that it's 100% working

and tested personally by me.

Let's get back to work.

It's a fresh method and a working one.

Things you'll need:

- RDP; (UPDATE 2014: Works with PREMIUM Socks5 - Tested and Premium CyberGhostVPN)
- USA Drop; (If you live in some of the countries where Nike ships, then find a place in your town)
- USA CC (Visa or Master) with high balance. Can be public, but it's easier if it's private;
- Speed of act; (That's your acting speed, how fast you'll be depends of yourself);
- Brain; (Be smart!)

1.) Find a nice and stable RDP. (If you don't know what's RDP yet, google it)
2.) Login to your RDP via Remote Desktop Connection.
3.) Start the web browser (mozilla firefox, chrome, opera ...) and clear the cookies/cache/history.
4.) Go to and look up if your IP is not blacklisted.
*4.) If you're using Socks5 or VPN change the timezone to your PC to be the same as the IP's.
5.) Jump to the official nike store:
6.) Chose the product you want to order, add to card then hit the CHECKOUT button.
7.) Always checkout as a GUEST. (Stores have smaller amount of information when we are guests.)
7.) Billing = Shipping (Your billing address is the drop and your shipping address is the same.)
8.) Enter Credit Card's info (CC Number, Exp. date and CVV2)
9.) Check the "My billing details are the same with shipping" mark.
10.) Put a fake phone number. MUST be similar to the numbers that are used in the shipping country.
11.) GMail is our service. The e-mail shoud look like john.doe@... if we ship to "John Doe".
12.) Place the order.
13.) Preparing to ship.


Hello guys, I'm Tien Tran, a freelance web designer and Wordpress nerd. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae.


  1. Sorry, your card was declined. [Code: 0409-00100001] WTF bro?
